Monthly Archives: June 2023

Title Opinions Serve Multiple Purposes

Title Opinions Serve Multiple Purposes written by Kaysha Spoon Oil companies most commonly obtain title opinions prior to beginning drilling operations. They rely on those opinions to obtain leases, cure any title defects, and, once production begins, make payments. However, title opinions can serve many other functions. Companies often acquire more limited opinions, such as… Read more »

How RR&A Personalizes Title Opinions to Our Clients’ Needs

How RR&A Personalizes Title Opinions to Our Clients’ Needs Two of RR&A’s most important Core Values are Service and Value to our clients. We aren’t here to just take a runsheet that’s handed to us, churn out a basic, bare-bones title opinion, and send it back to you, never to be discussed again. Our title attorneys have the experience and… Read more »

RR&A’s Land and Title Qualifications

RR&A’s Land and Title Qualifications This April, RR&A celebrated its 5th anniversary! At its inception, the firm was not intended to be a title firm; it was not until November 2021 that RR&A began offering title services to its clients. However, just because it is a new service to our clients, that does not mean… Read more »

Managing Your Land Needs

Managing Your Land Needs Why Using One Law Firm for Title Opinions and All Other Matters Makes Sense The goal of RR&A is to be a client’s one-stop shop for as many legal needs as possible. Our clients know they can come to us for anything from MSAs to PSAs and everything in between. If the… Read more »

You Don’t Need a Separate Title Firm

You Don’t Need a Separate Title Firm The purpose of RR&A has always been to turn the traditional model of law firms’ relationships with clients upside down and inside out. Throughout the years leading to now, we have continued to find new ways to offer better, more modern service to our clients. The most recent… Read more »