Posts Categorized: Newsletter

August 2021 Newsletter – When Your Lawyer is Not Your Lawyer: Attorney-Client Privilege Inside Small Companies

When Your Lawyer is Not Your Lawyer Attorney-Client Privilege Inside Small Companies We recently heard a terrifying, but all too common story from a colleague who practices high stakes litigation.  During a lawsuit over some land and lease acquisitions, a small E&P company was ordered by a court to turn over every single e-mail related… Read more »

April 2021 Newsletter – Asset Acquisitions and Divestitures in the Oil and Gas Industry 

Asset Acquisitions and Divestitures in the Oil and Gas Industry written by Miranda Caballero Transactions: An Overview The COVID-19 pandemic and associated fluctuations in commodity pricing have sent a wave of distress across the oil and gas industry, causing some participants to restructure and/or dispose of non-core or distressed assets.  The exploration and production sector… Read more »

January 2021 Newsletter – Clear Your Litigation Docket with a Comprehensive Litigation Review from RR&A

Clear Your Litigation Docket with a Comprehensive Litigation Review From RR&A Executive Summary It’s far too easy to let unpleasant litigation sit ignored or allow outside counsel to run a strategy that is not aligned with your goals or mission.  RR&A can review your litigation docket and find cost-savings by identifying situations where someone else… Read more »

July 2020 Newsletter – You Have Been Sued: A Guide for Handling New Litigation

You have been sued: a guide for handling new litigation New litigation requires a company to take immediate steps to begin preparing a defense and ensuring the company is in the best position possible. Failure to act quickly can seriously harm the company’s defense. Successful companies will involve counsel immediately, investigate early, preserve all evidence,… Read more »

June 2020 Newsletter – New Case Update: Piranha Partners v. Neuhoff

New Case Update: Piranha Partners v. Neuhoff, 596 S.W.3d 740 (Tex. 2020), reh’g denied (Apr. 17, 2020) By: Yvette Hershey Quick Summary: In a 7-2 decision delivered on February 21, 2020, the Texas Supreme Court in Piranha Partners v. Neuhoff (the “Piranha Case”) held that language in an Assignment conveyed interest in production under a… Read more »

April 2020 Newsletter – Best Practices When Declaring Force Majeure

Best Practices When Declaring Force Majeure There have been a lot of articles written recently on how force majeure clauses are interpreted and their invocation in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some of our favorites.  Force Majeure and the Doctrine of Frustration (Paul Hastings) Evaluating Your Force Majeure Clause under Covid-19 (Jenner Block)… Read more »

February 2020 Newsletter – Outsourced General Counsel Services

Outsourced General Counsel Services How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Outsourced General Counsel Services Running a small business is a never-ending parade of obstacles, tasks, and challenges that need to be surmounted.  Add in the complexity and nuance of legal issues facing a competitive, highly-regulated industry and there is more than enough worry… Read more »

December 2019 Newsletter – Case Update

Is Your Day Rate Worker Actually a Salaried Employee?  New Case Update: Faludi v. US Shale Solutions, LLC By: Rachel Reese & Miranda Caballero Quick Summary In a recent 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, which governs the states of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi, Jeff Faludi was found to be a salaried employee, subject to… Read more »